Finger Lakes Community Action
51 Broad Street
Lyons, New York 14489
Phone: 315-879-8975
Contact: Donna Robbins
Lyons, New York 14489
Phone: 315-879-8975
Contact: Donna Robbins
Wayne County Action Program, Inc. is a non-profit organization which serves economically challenged and at-risk individuals and families in Wayne and Ontario counties; both of which border Monroe County and the greater Rochester area. We have several programs to serve the unborn through our eldest senior citizens. Among our more well-known programs are Head Start, Foster Grandparents, Tax Counseling for the Elderly, Steady Work, 'Success Center' Transitional Housing and the Weatherization program.
For more information about who we are and what we do, please visit our website at
For more information about who we are and what we do, please visit our website at
Wish List:
- office furniture, clean, serviceable, including chairs, conference tables, filing furniture
- office supplies
- paint
- painting supplies
Volunteers Needed:
- Direct community service.
- Maintenance projects (small).
- Administrative work: answer phones, help with mailings.
- We provide volunteer orientation, training as appropriate, and a volunteer handbook to provide the most rewarding volunteer experience possible. We welcome volunteers of any age, at any time.
- Teen Volunteer Opportunities: Community service, small maintenance projects, office work -- volunteers of any age.
Reviewed by agency 8/23/23. (Information is correct.)