Angel Care Ministry
2061 East Henrietta Road
Rochester, NY 14623
Phone: 585-334-3518 x1107
Contact: Noreen Mancini
Rochester, NY 14623
Phone: 585-334-3518 x1107
Contact: Noreen Mancini
Angel Care is a pro-life ministry of St. Marianne Cope Parish that assists new mothers, who are referred to us and in need of baby items that are necessary upon the birth of their child. Our main goal is to provide them with a new portable baby bed so new mothers can feel secure in knowing their child will be safe while sleeping as this would otherwise be difficult for them to provide on their own. We also provide new and gently used baby items upon request (refer to wish list). Referrals are made by social workers, case workers, and other contacts from various social agencies, hospitals, etc. that work with women during their pregnancy and new mothers in need.
Wish List:
- baby clothes (new or gently used, sizes birth to 12 months, all seasons), onesies, sleepers, socks, seasonal outerwear (especially snowsuits)
- baby wipes
- bibs
- blankets: receiving and crib types
- baby books
- diaper bags
- diaper cream, shampoo, baby wash, baby powder (NO TALC)
- disposable diapers (sizes 1 and 2 only)
- hooded towels, washcloths
- monetary donations to help purchase new portable baby beds can be sent to St. Marianne Cope Parish, 2061 E. Henrietta Rd., Rochester, NY 14623. Angel Care must appear on the memo line.
Volunteers Needed:
- Shop garage sales and similar sales for gently-used baby clothing for layettes (items donated to Angel Care by shopper).
- Knit/crochet baby sweaters, hats, crib blankets for layettes.
- Call a remote phone number, take information from the phone messages, return call as soon as possible, assemble items requested at Angel Care site and have them ready for pickup (as a sub for regular person).
- To be present at Angel Care site Thursday mornings from 11 am to 1 pm to give out requested orders (as a sub for regular person).
Information reviewed by agency 9/9/24. (Phone number and Volunteers Needed updated.)