Cameron Community Ministries
48 Cameron Street
Rochester, NY 14606-1743
Phone: 585-254-2697 x101
Contact: Olivia Kassoum-Amadou
Rochester, NY 14606-1743
Phone: 585-254-2697 x101
Contact: Olivia Kassoum-Amadou
As an Urban Outreach Community Center in the Lyell-Otis Neighborhood, we offer a youth/teen after-school and summer programs, social work services, a free hot meal program that serves lunch Monday - Friday 12:00 pm to 1:30 pm, an emergency food pantry, and a clothing boutique that serves community members in need of clothing and housewares, an AT&T Digital Learning Lab that is open to the public and offers basic computer classes. At Cameron Cuts Barbershop our workforce development Barber Apprenticeship program is open for enrollment and includes a stipend. Youth Workforce Development Program is for teens enrolled in our Teen Center Program and a stipend is available.
Wish List:
- diapers, wipes
- bread, bottled water, granola bars, individually wrapped snacks, peanut butter, jelly, canned and boxed goods, tuna, produce
- personal care items: shampoo, conditioner, hand soap, body wash, body lotion, deodorant
- cleaning supplies
- laundry detergent
- kitchen items
- brown paper bags, sandwich bags, garbage bags
- school supplies
- copy paper
- plant markers, 3-inch stakes
- perennials, annuals
- trowels, shovel, weeder
- gift cards: Fruition Seeds, Home Depot, Garden Factory, Lowe's, Bristol's Garden Center, Compost Company, Mulch Company, Stark Brothers, Dollar Tree, Walmart, Aldis, Wegmans, Tops
- Pro-mix
- compost starter
- garden items
Volunteers Needed:
- Older adults to tutor in our youth program: Mondays-Fridays 4 to 6 pm.
- Assist in the kitchen with meal prep and clean-up 9 am to 2 pm.
Interested adults can contact
Information reviewed by agency 9/23/24. (Description, Wish List and Volunteers Needed updated.)